A software engineer and a passionate java programmer
How to validate DocBook 5.0 in Netbeans 7.0.1
This is the DocBook file I’d like to validate:
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?><articleversion="5.0"xml:lang="en"xmlns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook"xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"xsi:schemaLocation=" http://docbook.org/ns/docbook http://docbook.org/xml/5.0/xsd/docbook.xsd"><title>Sample article</title><para>This is a very short article.</para></article>
I’ve tried validating sample_article.xml In NetBeans:
unfortunately NetBeans logs:
XML validation started.
Checking file:/C:/sample_article.xml...
Referenced entity at "http://docbook.org/xml/5.0/xsd/docbook.xsd".
Referenced entity at "http://docbook.org/xml/5.0/xsd/xlink.xsd".
Referenced entity at "nbres:/org/netbeans/modules/j2ee/ddloaders/catalog/resources/XMLSchema.dtd".
Referenced entity at "nbres:/org/netbeans/modules/j2ee/ddloaders/catalog/resources/datatypes.dtd".
src-resolve: Cannot resolve the name 'xml:id' to a(n) 'attribute declaration' component. [6] http://docbook.org/xml/5.0/xsd/docbook.xsd
s4s-elt-must-match.1: The content of 'db.common.attributes' must match (annotation?, ((attribute | attributeGroup)*, anyAttribute?)). A problem was found starting at: attribute. [6] http://docbook.org/xml/5.0/xsd/docbook.xsd
cvc-complex-type.3.2.2: Attribute 'version' is not allowed to appear in element 'article'. [6]
cvc-complex-type.3.2.2: Attribute 'xml:lang' is not allowed to appear in element 'article'. [6]
XML validation finished.
complaining it Cannot resolve the name 'xml:id' as
defined in the http://docbook.org/xml/5.0/xsd/docbook.xsd.
But wait a moment! Where does NetBeans get such
http://docbook.org/xml/5.0/xsd/docbook.xsd?If I disconnect my PC
from Internet, and I re-validate the sample_article.xml again, NetBeans logs
something different:
XML validation started.
Checking file:/C:/sample_article.xml...
Referenced entity at "http://docbook.org/xml/5.0/xsd/docbook.xsd".
schema_reference.4: Failed to read schema document 'http://docbook.org/xml/5.0/xsd/docbook.xsd', because 1) could not find the document; 2) the document could not be read; 3) the root element of the document is not <xsd:schema>. [6]
cvc-elt.1: Cannot find the declaration of element 'article'. [6]
Referenced entity at "http://docbook.org/xml/5.0/xsd/docbook.xsd".
schema_reference.4: Failed to read schema document 'http://docbook.org/xml/5.0/xsd/docbook.xsd', because 1) could not find the document; 2) the document could not be read; 3) the root element of the document is not <xsd:schema>. [7]
Referenced entity at "http://docbook.org/xml/5.0/xsd/docbook.xsd".
schema_reference.4: Failed to read schema document 'http://docbook.org/xml/5.0/xsd/docbook.xsd', because 1) could not find the document; 2) the document could not be read; 3) the root element of the document is not <xsd:schema>. [8]
XML validation finished.
During the validation process something goes wrong. In order to avoid any
eventual interference from the Internet, I’ve decided to investigate the
problem in isolation by using a DocBook 5.0 local copy.
I’ve downloaded the docbook-5.0.zip from the
DocBook 5.0 distribution page,
and I’ve expanded it in a NetBeans project.
Than I’ve disconnected my PC from the Internet and
I’ve said to NetBeans where I’ve expanded the
docbook.xsd file by the
Tools > DTDs and XML Schemas menu:
then I’ve added a local schema under the User Catalog:
binding the http://docbook.org/xml/5.0/xsd/docbook.xsd
URI location to the actual docbook.xsd
file location by the System ID radio button:
Trying re-validating the sample_article.xml
NetBeans logs the previously seen error:
XML validation started.
Checking file:/C:/sample_article.xml...
Referenced entity at "http://docbook.org/xml/5.0/xsd/docbook.xsd".
Referenced entity at "http://docbook.org/xml/5.0/xsd/xlink.xsd".
Referenced entity at "nbres:/org/netbeans/modules/j2ee/ddloaders/catalog/resources/XMLSchema.dtd".
Referenced entity at "nbres:/org/netbeans/modules/j2ee/ddloaders/catalog/resources/datatypes.dtd".
src-resolve: Cannot resolve the name 'xml:id' to a(n) 'attribute declaration' component. [6] http://docbook.org/xml/5.0/xsd/docbook.xsd
s4s-elt-must-match.1: The content of 'db.common.attributes' must match (annotation?, ((attribute | attributeGroup)*, anyAttribute?)). A problem was found starting at: attribute. [6] http://docbook.org/xml/5.0/xsd/docbook.xsd
cvc-complex-type.3.2.2: Attribute 'version' is not allowed to appear in element 'article'. [6]
cvc-complex-type.3.2.2: Attribute 'xml:lang' is not allowed to appear in element 'article'. [6]
XML validation finished.
Now the on-line error has been recreated I’m ready to investigate it
without any eventual interference from the Internet.
I’ve noticed that in the docbook-5.0\xsd\ directory there’s the docbook.xsd
in which, at line 6, there’s: <xs:attribute ref="xml:id"/>:
When Netbeans complains Cannot resolve the name 'xml:id' seems it isn’t able
to locate the xml.xsd in the docbook-5.0\xsd\ directory even if correctly
imported as declared at line 4.
As previously done for docbook.xsd I’ve bound the xml.xsd URI location
to the actual xml.xsd file location:
so I’ve ended up with two cataloged xsd the docbook.xsd and the xml.xsd:
Trying re-validating the sample_article.xml
NetBeans logs the previously seen error again:
XML validation started.
Checking file:/C:/sample_article.xml...
Referenced entity at "http://docbook.org/xml/5.0/xsd/docbook.xsd".
Referenced entity at "http://docbook.org/xml/5.0/xsd/xlink.xsd".
Referenced entity at "nbres:/org/netbeans/modules/j2ee/ddloaders/catalog/resources/XMLSchema.dtd".
Referenced entity at "nbres:/org/netbeans/modules/j2ee/ddloaders/catalog/resources/datatypes.dtd".
src-resolve: Cannot resolve the name 'xml:id' to a(n) 'attribute declaration' component. [6] http://docbook.org/xml/5.0/xsd/docbook.xsd
s4s-elt-must-match.1: The content of 'db.common.attributes' must match (annotation?, ((attribute | attributeGroup)*, anyAttribute?)). A problem was found starting at: attribute. [6] http://docbook.org/xml/5.0/xsd/docbook.xsd
cvc-complex-type.3.2.2: Attribute 'version' is not allowed to appear in element 'article'. [6]
cvc-complex-type.3.2.2: Attribute 'xml:lang' is not allowed to appear in element 'article'. [6]
XML validation finished.
I’ve tried several URI combined with various
User Catalog and
Catalog Resolver but, in my opinion,
there’s something wrong in how NetBeans binds URI
location to actual file location. I suppose NetBeans
tries getting the file only if its URI has the
form of an URL, downloading the file from Internet,
while if the file hasn’t the URL form NetBeans
doesn’t try interpreting the URL as a relative pathname
to an actual file.
I’ve found a solved bug
but I’m not sure that is truly solved, as someone else has pointed out.
This is the workaround I’ve came up to
get DocBook 5.0 validation working in Netbeans 7.0.1.
The idea is based above investigation:
NetBeans succesfully resolves URI only if they are in a URL form.
Before going on, if you’ve done what I did in the
preceding sections, remove docbook.xsd
and xml.xsd from User Catalog, then proceed
as with the following paragraphs.
Firstly download the docbook-5.0.zip from the
DocBook 5.0 distribution page,
and expand it in a NetBeans project (probably
you may like a project that builds a docbook-xml-5.0-wrapper.jar).
Then in the docbook-5.0\xsd\docbook.xsd
file change URI schema locations from the relative pathname form:
Now put this
I’ve specifically created in order to maps DocBook 5.0 URI location to actual
local file, in the same directory in which there’s the docbook-5.0 folder of
the DocBook 5.0 distribution:
Finally add a catalog resolver for the just added systemCatalog.xml:
Trying re-validating the sample_article.xml NetBeans finally logs a
successful message:
XML validation started.
Checking file:/C:/sample_article.xml...
XML validation finished.
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