I have released the version 3 of the Italian Diceware word list.
Links collection about ergonomics, health and productivity
I list some links I have gathered in the last months as a result of annoying little aches caused by intensive computer use sitting at work:
- ergonomic mouses
- ergonomic keyboards
- typing behaviour (in Italian)
- repetitive stress injury
- alternating sitting and standing work position: manual movement
- alternating sitting and standing work position: electric movement
- productivity: Multi-Monitor Mounts
The first time I have used Vim at work
Some time has passed since I started learning Vim. I didn’t wanted to use it at work because I don’t think I’m as productive as I’m with the editor I usually use… till this morning.
Unit or acceptance test?
At the moment this post is available in Italian only.
Adoption of Free Software PDF readers in Italian Regional Public Administrations (third monitoring)
The following monitoring shows that, in the last semester, ten Italian Regions
have reduced advertisement about of proprietary PDF readers on their website, and
that a Region has raised increased its support to for Free Software PDF readers.
Mutation testing with PIT
Yesterday I participated to the JUG Padova 72° meeting with a presentation titled “MUTANTS KILLER - PIT: state of the art of mutation testing system”:
Cucumber Introduction
At the moment this post is available in Italian only.
Typegito ergo sum
Code Quality in Practice - by Bryan Helmkamp
At the moment this post is available in Italian only.
You can see the full presentation on infoQ
FSFE Web Site History From February 2001 To July 2016
A few months ago I joined Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE) as translator (from English to Italian):
We are a community of people who are committed to Free Software. Please join us in our work! There are many ways to do so and you will find a way that fits your interests and skills.
My interests and motivations to join FSFE were various:
- supporting Free Software;
- improving and keeping trained my English (please excuse any mistakes), both in general and in particular about European politics and administrative jargon. Another chance is offered by FSFE mailing lists: it happens to write email to others people around Europe;
- learning Vim practicing on “real articles”;
- improving my typist skills in a healthy way.
Recently I was asked if I would have been interested in getting commit access to the FSFE web site source repository… of course I was :-)
I quickly realized that such repository has more than 15 years history!!! Thus I started wondering that it would have been nice visualizing such history with Gource. In the past I had already used Gource to visualize Parancoe history, a Java meta-framework developed by some Java User Group Padua (JUG PD) guys, but this time I was curious to see how a web site history was different from a framework one.
So I have recorded a 10 minutes long video about commit activity on FSFE web site source repository from February 2001 to July 2016.