Tarin Gamberini

A software engineer and a passionate java programmer

Git in Practice book review

This spring I was selected from Manning as one of the technical reviewers of the book “Git in Practice” by Mike McQuaid.

I’ve been using Git for about a year now, and I studied it on the online documentation but I found the McQuaid’s book easier to read because lots of chapters have their title which may be considered as a FAQ and its four subsections Background, Problem, Solution, Discussion, offer a common way to understand the chapter’s main subject.

Git in Practice is a very good “learn by practice” experience about working with Git repositories. The books presents various real-world problems equipped with solution and discussion.

Basic and advanced concepts are clearly presented and quickly verifiable by running few commands that highlight the power and expressiveness of Git.

Particular attention is dedicated to rewrite history and disaster recovery, which are options unavailable to previous generations of source code management tools. A significant emphasis is addressed to how creating a clean history and how valuable is having a good history.

The author brings his working experience both describing various workflows, that show the Git flexibility in adapting to different software development life-cycles, and giving extremely useful hints about which branching strategies suits best to our project needs.

Look at others books I’ve red on my LibraryThing library.

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