Tarin Gamberini

A software engineer and a passionate java programmer

My GPG public key

My public key (MD5), downloadable from the key server pgp.mit.edu too, fingerprint: 4BA2 62A3 B435 9791 34ED 9BAD 113B EBA4 E5B3 AE14.

My old public key (MD5), downloadable from the key server pgp.mit.edu too, fingerprint: 7538 CCF0 5AEB 036F FB47 47DE 0A0D 9ADC 5343 17CE.

Other data about my keys.


GPG encrypts the private key using a passphrase before saving it on the disk. The passphrase, besides being a key which protects the private key, is far more easy to remember, and to type, compared to the private key.

To create a strong passphrase, even though easy to remember, is possible to use the Diceware method.

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