Tarin Gamberini

A software engineer and a passionate java programmer

ThoughtWorks Technology Radar vol. 17 in Italian

I have always been enthusiastic about the ThoughtWorks Technology Radar both because of the idea in itself and because of its implementation in the form of radar.

The Technology Radar is a document which gathers substantial changes in IT technologies of interest to various ThoughtWorks teams. The Radar is written by the ThoughtWorks Technology Advisory Board (TAB), made up of senior technologists at ThoughtWorks, which regularly meet themselves to talk about technology trends that significantly impact our industry.

The implementation in the form of radar is characterized by four quadrants: techniques, platforms, tools, languages & framework; and four concentric levels (from outside to inside): hold, assess, trial, adopt. The various moving technologies appear on the Radar as blips: the closer the blip is to the center, the more it is qualified to be of worth by ThoughtWorks.

The ThoughtWorks Radar contents summarise the essence of the TAB meetings, and its format effectively communicate contents to a wide range of stakeholders, from CIOs to developers.

As I did last year, this year too I contributed to the Italian translation of the ThoughtWorks Radar.

On 1 November I started collaborating with Matteo Vaccari on the new blips. Soon I noticed that Sara Michelazzo joined us in the translation process too.

I did three sprints, mainly during the weekend. The process flowed very smoothly with little email interaction with the other translators. At first I expected more or less the same level of interaction of the preceding year, but in practice it wasn’t needed. I think that happened because we learned from the preceding experience writing translation doubts directly aside the translated blip.

I’m happy I did this experience this year too because I noticed an improvement both in my touch typing skills and in my translation skill too.

Let me conclude by inviting you reading in Italian :-) the ThoughtWorks Technology Radar and discover last technology trends that impact our industry.

The Scrum Guide 2020 is out, in Italian too

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