acceptance test acceptance testing agid agile ant api archetype automation bdd behaviour driven development best practice book build automation builder cad68 catalog certification chain of responsability checkstyle clean code code quality code review commit history commit message commitee continuous integration cryptography cucumber days between dates ddl declarative dependency design design-by-contract development diceware docbook dsdm el english fail-fast filter findbugs font foundation framework free software fsfe functional future generation git gradle guide guidelines health hibernate howto immutable implicit requirement integration testing java java ee jboss jdk 1.5 jenkins jsp jstl jug padova learning legacy libreboot line of code linuxday lug ferrara management master maven methodology metric migration mockito mutation testing my presentation my project netbeans owasp packaging passphrase password pattern pdf readers people plugin pmd presentation product productivity professional programming project public administration quality radar redshift refactoring requirement restful review scrum security semantic versioning service software craftsmanship software development source repository specification spring spring mvc sprint ssi static code analysis static site generation subversion svn tdd team technical debt technical drift technology template testing third party thoughtworks tld toctou tomcat transaction translation trend uni 11621-3 2016 unicode unit test unit testing use case validation version control vim vulnerability war word list workrave xml xsd